
2025 Wild West Shootout

Click HERE to preregister on-line (no later than 10/7/2025).  You’ll receive a free memento at registration, as well as a chance to have your $50 registration fee waived!

All players are welcome. We offer four different levels of competition, from Division 1 (the highest), to Division 4. To assure that you are playing against opponents of similar ability, the division you play in is based on a defined skill level (your performance rating or PR). If you are unfamiliar with your PR, not to worry. A local tournament director or skilled player can assist in establishing or determining your performance rating. If you’ve played and saved any online matches, your PR can be identified through some quick analysis.

  • Division 1 – Bison (PR < 7) is our highest skilled division made up of top rated Open players, of which some are considered Masters; a premier player and fluent in tournament play, they tend to make very few blunders per match (huge mistakes) and are considered experts.
  • – Gunslingers (PR 7 – 10) is our average skilled division made up of average Open players and top rated Advanced players; an experienced high-level player and quite familiar with tournament play, they tend to make very few blunders per game (huge mistakes) and generally know their skill level relative to the field.
  • Division 3 – Warriors (PR > 10) is our moderately skilled division made up of average Advanced players and Intermediate players; an experienced player, but often plays more creatively rather than by the book, with a tendency to make a few blunders (huge mistakes) per game.
  • Division 4 – Greenhorn (PR not applicable) is our division for new players. Novice players typically make up this division; they have never played in one of the other divisions previously, have limited, if any, tournament experience, and modest or no experience playing with the doubling cube.


Clocks are required for all events, excluding Novice (Greenhorn).  Players in the Novice division must consult with the director before using a clock.  Directors reserve the right to clock any match. Typical clock settings are notated as minutes per point / delay in seconds (i.e. 2/15 = 2 minutes per point [Reserve], 15 seconds per move [Delay]).

Division 1 (Bison) level players: 2 minutes per point with a 12 second delay.
(Gunslinger) level players:
2 minutes per point with a 12 second delay.
(Warrior) level players:
2 minutes per point with a 15 second delay.
(Greenhorn) level players: Generally this level is not clocked. If necessary, 2 minutes per point and 18 second delay.
Doubles: 3 minutes per point with a 15 second delay.