Cornhole 700×600
Cash Prize
Cornhole 700×600Cash Prize

Cornhole Doubles

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Even in the Wild West you need a break. Take this moment to size up your competition and have a little fun.


Cornhole Doubles is a live single elimination social doubles event (NO BACKGAMMON INVOLVED). You and your partner will take on another team, until you are the last team standing. Each match is to 21 points.

This event will be held in the courtyard of the hotel. Non-alcoholic beverages, hotdogs and snacks will be provided. This is a chance to have a little social fun and meet your competition, head to head.

$20 entry (per person) you must be a registered player.
85% return

21pt elimination

  • Cornhole Doubles Champions – Cash and Custom trophies.

GAMEPLAY: The game is broken down into innings in which 2 players from opposing teams throw their 4 bags. When it’s your turn, you’ll alternate throws with the opponent next to you. When all 8 bags have been thrown, it’s time to count the score.

  • When throwing, your foot cannot cross the invisible line made by the front of the board. A violation negates your throw.
  • The team that last scored a point throws first. For the first round, determine who gets the first throw (avoid a shootout).
  • Players alternate throws.
  • There are two ways to score – land a bag on the board or get a bag through the hole.
  • A bag resting on the board is worth 1 point and a bag in the hole is worth 3.
  • Points scored by your opponent during each turn cancel yours out.

If you get 1 in the hole and 2 on the board, you have 5 points. But if, in the same turn, your opponent throws 2 bags through the hole and 1 on the board, they’ve scored 7 points. The score for that inning? Them = 2; You = 0. Only one team gets any points in an inning.

Innings go back and forth between players until one team reaches a total of 21 points. You must win by 2 points.